環顧全屋, 在簡約設計主軸中, 融入不同元素,一同綻放優雅姿采。 巧妙將舊家具加入新設計, 并用來自各地的藝術裝飾點綴各區。
The whole design focused on simplicity, combined with different elements; elegant and glamorous bloomed through the whole house. Furniture from previous is cleverly combined with the new furniture, and art works from around the world are used to decorate each area.
Stepping into the house, there is the living room and the dining room altogether, which showed a sense of space.
The hall, integrated with chandeliers that specially ordered from oversea, played an effect of lifting the space and connected the first floor and the second floor.
The Television background wall has used marble stone material which produced a space – extension effect.
The sunlight shone through the giant windows, which enhanced the design of the interior.
Different decoration such as paintings is specifically chosen to represent the owner's personality.
The chandelier at the stair has combined beauty and practicality.
The storage area is cleverly built in the bedroom, reflected its function and beautiful design.
Wide window in the study room has enabled the owner to have a splendid panoramic view of the whole house.
這個項目曾接受摩登家庭雜誌採訪及刊登, 您可以通過以下鏈接閱讀更多:
This project has been interviewed and published by Modern Family magazine, you can read more through the following link:
金峰南岸複式 (優雅風) (澳門)
One Oasis Penthouse (Elegant Style) (Macau)
Designers: Jackie Che 、Neal Cheung
Area: 300m2
空間格局: 3廳4房
Space Plan: 3 Living Rooms with 4 Rooms
獲得獎項: 2016法國雙面神國際設計大獎
Award Received: 2016 French Innodesign Prize
*Part of the text is selected from the Modern Family magazine.